Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Answering Flewen on Unfairness & Illogical

Flewens states :
There were also abuses inside the INC, the only reason why the abuses of some priests became viral in the media world was because of Secularism. We all know that the Catholic Church is the most well-known Church as to compare from other Christian denominations in the world today. Even your church is nothing as to compare the splendor that the church have for so long. It was not also who claimed that she sees brighter life but it was her who said that she’s happy that she is one in faith now with her mother. So it is not my problem anymore sir.
so, it would be illogical to use the abuses of some priests just in order to justify your accusation against the Catholic Church. It would be unfair for us that Catholics will shut down exposing the abuses of your brethren while in your side, you are happy attacking the Catholic faith.Think about it.
 Come again dear "There were also abuses inside the INC". Well, thats why I said before that we are not perfect. And such abuses do not go without consequence. Thats why like I said we EXPEL the evil brethren who refuses to repent and follow the teachings of Christ.

We do not hide them or transfer them in another congregation. Nor do we PAY for wrong doings. Like what your doing with your PEDOPHILE PRIESTs. Such act will  would amount to being EXPELLED and brought to court for their criminal liabilities whether he be a  minister or member.

Flewens reason for some priests abuses being viral. He states "the only reason why the abuses of some priests became viral in the media world was because of Secularism".

Secularism? don't be silly dear. It has nothing to do with secularism. Actually, it is not that viral yet as you would want to think it is. Thanks to your connections with media. And your church to usual silence when confronted by such issues.

If ever this would become viral dear. It would be because of your Church INACTION. You are put into LIGHT and you were SIMPLY found to be sitting on your INVESTIGATION. And later on you were CAUGHT in TRANSFERRING your PEDOPHILE PRIESTs  to another CONGREGATION which later was found that your PEDOPHILEs as usual CONTINUED their PERVERSIONs.

The media world as you say is not driven by what you THINK dear. It is driven by many things especially for a CHURCH who SUPPOSED to be PROTECTING their FLOCK was found PROTECTING their PEDOPHILE PRIESTs instead. And PAYING incredible amounts of money to the POINT of BANKRUPTCY.

Can you BLAME the MEDIA to REPORT this to the people? You of all people should be doing that to PROTECT your FLOCK but instead you KEPT SILENT and TRANSFERRED your PEDOPHILEs to do their PERVERSION in another congregation.

So what does that make your Catholic Authorities dear "Good Samaritans" or willing ACCOMPLICEs of SEXUAL PERVERSIONs. It seems based on the MEDIA reports your in the latter side.

Come again dearest you said "We all know that the Catholic Church is the most well-known Church as to compare from other Christian denominations in the world today. Even your church is nothing as to compare the splendor that the church have for so long."

Of course it is. Thats why your  Catholic Authorties from the earliest times tried to do using FALSIFIED DOCUMENTs to attain control and power. To which the DONATION OF CONSTANTINE was just one to assert your influence and control any disputes that arose then. Using it for CENTURIEs.

We all know dearest how the Catholic Authorities controlled governments then. They had such power that they can DICTATE on the leaders of government to PROPAGATE your FAITH thru DIABOLICAL MEANs. Like your unHOLY INQUISITIONs.

Thats why even today, your trying to CONTROL and THREATEN even our own president of excommunication who happens to be your brethren. Just so you can EXERT your beliefs which we do not ACCEPT actually as well as many other faiths.

Yes, we are nothing in comparison to the splendor of your church when it comes to using FALSIFIED DOCUMENTs., TORTURE of innocents, MASS KILLINGs thru your church inspired INQUISITION,  USING CHURCH money to PAY the SEXUAL PERVERSIONs of your PEDOPHILE PRIESTs,, TRANSFERRING and protecting PEDOPHILEs priests, thus CONDONING their PERVERTED acts, etc.

If thats the splendor of your church dearest you should not be surprised why from your church sprung the MANY PROTESTANT faiths because they found that the splendor was PERVERTED and DIABOLICAL in every sense. Can we blame them? of course not.

So we continue and Flewen says in reference to Charice "that she sees brighter life but it was her who said that she’s happy that she is one in faith now with her mother. So it is not my problem anymore sir."

Rightly so, thats her decision we respect that. Problem? well don't worry dear I never said it was your problem. Actually, its Charice problem dear not yours or mine. Funny that you would see Charice conversion to your faith as a problem.

Come again dear you say "it would be illogical to use the abuses of some priests just in order to justify your accusation against the Catholic Church."

Dearest before you even write the term ILLOGICAL do take time to review the DEFINITION of the term before your use it.  If you truly UNDERSTOOD what I wrote. It is NOT only with regards to your PEDOPHILE PRIESTs I was referring. Their PERVERTED DEEDs is quite CLEAR.

The Catholic Church LIKEWISE is RESPONSIBLE in the said ISSUE mainly because THEY were the ONES who promised an HONEST INVESTIGATION.

It is but LOGICAL to NOTE their INACTION and was FOUND TRANSFERRING those PEDOPHILE priests in another congregation. That dearest is the USUAL WRONGFUL ACT by your CHURCH.

And it is not just an ACCUSATION dearest. Your CHURCH was taken to COURT not just once but MANY TIMEs. It was not just done by SOME PRIESTs as you say but a GREAT NUMBER as you PAID HUGE SOMEs to the point of BANKRUPTCY.

So don't be silly that I am just using some priests to justify my accusation. For your information I was merely POINTING out dearest what HISTORY has already laid out for us to consider.

The one who TRULY ACCUSED your CHURCH dearest is not us. If you have some understanding in TRUE LOGIC dearest then you would find that IT WAS THE CATHOLIC VICTIMs & their FAMILIEs and your COMMUNITY who ACCUSED your PEDOPHILE PRIESTs and your CATHOLIC CHURCH in the first place thats why they were BROUGHT to COURT.

So please dear, don't be to carried away and KNOW my BASIS before you ILLOGICALLY ACCUSE me based on your misguided understanding of the issue.

Come again dear "It would be unfair for us that Catholics will shut down exposing the abuses of your brethren while in your side, you are happy attacking the Catholic faith."

Attacking? of course not dear. I understand where your coming from. You have all the right to explain your side as we do. But know also that you need to ANSWER clearly the ISSUEs you so fondly raised.

Like you, I was merely ANSWERING your misguided thinking. Take note my intention in answering is not to attack but PUT TO LIGHT the things MOST CATHOLICs are UNAWARE of.

In answering your issues and concerns, you should not blame us if we bring to light certain things that your church has been keeping all along. Have they ever taught how WRONG they were when their church propagated the INQUISITION. Or the ATROCITIEs committed during those times?

Only one pope in the Catholic history publicly apologize for those atrocities. Although not that elaborately but he did. Many Jews wanted more of course for the INACTION of your Pope then during HITLERs massacre of the JEWs. Your Pope then during WWII NEVER issued any condemnation of Hitlers acts despite the requests of  many prominent leaders then.

But not many catholics are AWARE of this. It would be UNFAIR if you didnot know of this. So do what you advise dear "Think about it.".

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